Friday, February 25, 2011

Pretty Pink Dolphins

We have a story this week called "Encantado: Pink Dolphin of the Amazon River".  So, we are basing our blog this week on the story.  The Pink Dolphin is a fresh water mammal.  It is pink because capillaries are so close to its skin .  We compared and contrasted the pink dolphin with an ocean dolphin and here's what we discovered;  Pink dolphins they don't have a actuall fin they have a bump.  Also, they swim in rivers ( fresh water ) and they are more flexible and don't come up from the water.  They live in the Amazon River.  Here's a video and a picture.

Also, we had a few students comment about the story. 
Emily: I really like this week's story, it's very interesting to read.  I love PINK DOLPHINS!!!
Rachel:  I like the story because I just learned that Pink dolphins are endangered, and I would like to help them not be endangered.
Shelby: I like the story this week because I NEVER KNEW PINK DOLPHINS WERE REAL!!!!!!!
Taylor: I loved the story this week I mean how cool is a PINK DOLPHIN! I wonder if one could fit in my bathtub!
Ki: I loved the story because the dolphins were pink and it looked cool with its head.

                                                          Thanks for looking at our blog!
By Erin Santanello and Regina Schliep


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Antrim Talent Show 2011

This year Antrim had a talent show. The theme was Family Feud.  Our class did a dance to the songs "Tootsie Roll", "Lollipop" song and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory because that  was their theme. The class had lots of fun. Here are some comments from the students in the class.

Alex;: It was fun being in the talent show and it was fun praticing to get better.
Ki; I had lots of fun dressing up as an oompa loompa.
Ryan:I liked being an oompa loompa and I like to boogie.
Tristan;I had fun being a temptation and an oompa loompa
Regina;  The talent show was so much fun!  I loved our act!
Emily: I loved the Talent Show! It was really fun, I liked being an oompa loompa. 
Zach;The talent show was very fun to be in.
From whole class of 4-W; It wouldln't be a great success if Ms.Wilcox  wasn't running it.
By Ki, Ryan, Alex